Having learnt the active verbs, we'll take a look this week at the passives.
For those of you who need a refresher on the actives, here's the definitive chart (above).
Go .... grammar!
Stuff, random and otherwise!
Writing Contributions 2008
In the upcoming months, weeks, and days leading up to ESL week, November 9-15 2008, we want to thank both ESL teachers/instructors and students for all the hard work that they do throughout the year. As a way to connect our members, learners, and communities alike, we are asking all those involved with ESL to submit a written work related to ESL in Ontario.
We are hoping to post and share your writing on our website as a way to inspire both ESL teachers/instructors and learners by reading the thoughts and stories of others. This is also a great opportunity for our members and their students to have their writing “published”. In fact, we will be choosing a few submissions that will become part of our ESL week display, along with some of our poster contest entries, at Toronto’s City Hall on November 12th-15th.
Here are some possible writing prompts you may wish to use as a meaningful classroom activity:My ESL class is…
The best class ever was…
My favourite ESL teacher is…
The funniest thing happened in class one day…
My classmates…
Learning English is…
Please feel free to be as creative as you want with your writing! Why not even use this opportunity as a way to teach poetry or even write a song?
All writing should be e-mailed to: administration@teslontario.org . Please include:
The student’s name, teacher and school
Your own name and school for teachers/instructors
Be sure to check out our website http://www.teslontario.org// to get other ideas and updates on happenings for ESL week 2008. We truly look forward to receiving your submissions and can’t wait to read what you and your students have to say!