Minus 18 degree Celsius windchill and the disappointment of again being denied ROM tickets notwithstanding, ten of us from LINC 4-5, including Aidin's mom and Winnie's daughter, Angel, made our way to the Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art and the Bata Shoe Museum today. Hey, where were the men?
A former tennis court belonging to the University of Toronto, the Gardiner did not seem terribly impressive at first. But we kept an open mind.
It was quite an eyeopener into the world of porcelains, tureens, snuff boxes, English tea services in period boxes, cobalt pigments, King Augustine the Strong of Poland, private collectors, art auctions, and hilarious Western imitations of Chinese art. We were also fortunate to catch the eye-catching works of American sculptor Viola Frey before they are returned to Los Angeles next month.

Quite unexpectedly, we were out of time before long and hungry and so bundled up and started out for the McDonalds across from the ROM.
After a quick bite at Tim Hortons (the McDonalds was closed for renovation), it was over to the Bata Shoe Museum for a quick tour.

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