Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Passives Deep-sixed

This morning, the Passive Voice was finally kissed goodbye to in class as the next grammar topic, Noun Clauses, was welcomed.

Some learners were visibly tired of passives, and it would have been seriously disappointing if the change hadn't been effected.

Further deliberate use of the passive should be avoided as those who do will only be more embarrassed than ever if their habitual passive use of the passive does not get corrected.


  1. It really helps me to relize the passive voice . I enjoy it a lot .

  2. Honestly, passives seem very easy but non-native speakers often make basic mistakes when they use it. I benefited from the course about passives.

  3. hey guys, you're supposed to laugh at the joke ... all the sentences are in the passive!! :D

  4. I am getting known about the passives
