"Thousands" of protesters on Saturday responded to the call to "demonstrate against the latest Israeli assault on the people of Gaza." Organisations in support of this move included our very own CAF and:
- Palestine House
- Women in Solidarity with Palestine (WSP)
- Not In Our Name (NION): Jewish Voices Opposing Zionism
- Muslim Association of Hamilton
- International Jewish anti-Zionist Network – Toronto
- Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
- Students Against Israeli Apartheid
- Canadian Druze Society
- Canadian Syrian Cultural Club
- Al Huda
- Islamic Relief
- United Steel Workers/Toronto Area Council
- CUPE , Ontario
- Educators for Peace and Justice
- Toronto Coalition against the War
- Muslim Unity
- Canadian Shia Muslims Organization (KASMA)
The Main Protest
The Counter-Protest
When will peace come to the region?
No winner for either side, I am greatful to live here.