Guy with cheesy grin next to a hydro pole with rusty staples sticking to it
What? The Annual Pride Underwear Show?
Where's the rainbow banner?
Leaving "the Village"
Who owns this convenience store at Carlton and Church? Steven's doubletake
(Here's where we took a rain cheque on Jarvis St Baptist Church and Allan Gardens.)
Hossein and Ryerson ... for love of education, and thanks for the handy university washrooms!
(Not pictured--our amazing visit to St George's Greek Orthodox Church, graciously hosted by Secretary Mrs. Aphrodite Katsigiorgis, and a peek inside St Michael's Cathedral, where a mass was in progress)

Interesting snippets from random church bulletins
The Metropolitan United Church--no, the one in the background
Great venue for a picnic ...
and photography ...
And food
Outside St James
Say "King Henry the Eighth"!
Awww, no organ concert--the musician "took sick," we are told.
So now what ... off to St Lawrence Market we go!
Something rotten in the state of Denmark, Steven?
Yum, wild arctic caribou, venison, rabbit, etc.
You don't say ...
Cheese! Wedge of a building in back
Back via Union Station--who's calling in sick with fieldtriptitis tomorrow?
You are so quickly! This was a very nice and interesting fieldtrip although there was a little bit disappointment about the cancellation of concert. Thanks for your deliberate arrangement. Where will we go next time? I am looking forward to .....
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot!I remembered the theory about Person's Needs Pyrmaid.At the bottom we need food to eat and house to live.At the milldle we need education and job.On the top we need religion.For so many person,they do not blieve the religion. We should learn more, we need learn more...