It used to be the one and only. But now, the world's foremost "fine city" may have a competitor in the making:

Having just paid my $250 parking ticket last week, I opened my mailbox this afternoon only to see the above letter, helpfully sent by the City of Toronto, none other. Huh? They want another $12.75--for what? Who knows?
Nor does it make any difference, does it?

So I pay it up, including the $1.50 fee tacked on. Whatever.
I'd be an idiot to seek ultimate truth and justice in this fallen world, and it's a fallen world, indeed, me included. But there's good news. It's from the One who made and who rules the world. The story is not over yet--Here's what He says:
Acts 17:31 "For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead."
I feel for you. There is a Chinese saying about "losing money is to eliminate disaster"(maybe translate like this). Forget it!