The journey was same-old, same-old, from Cavendish to Charlottetown, and then over the bridge to the eastern, more deserted part of PEI towards the ferry at Wood Islands. While waiting for the boat to arrive, we ate PEI fries (glorified McCain), played with a Frisbee, and practised Rip-Sticking.
Finally, we got on board the ferry and spent 1.5 hours roaming the decks.
Then it was over to Pictou, where the Scots first landed on the ship Hector, to make a campsite booking at the visitor centre there. Instead of hightailing it via the highway, as advised at the visitor centre, I decided to take the scenic route, which was shorter on the map and recommended by the GPS. Well, we paid for it.
We made two stops along the beautiful sunset shores of the Bras d'Or lake district and got stuck at some major roadworks just north of Big Pond, which set us back about half an hour, enough to delay us into an 8:30 arrival at Louisbourg.
But it's good to lay one's head down again with acceptable Wifi connectivity. Thank God for the long but safe trip!
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